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Meta fields

Overdog Craft CMS streamlines SEO management by providing developers with essential fields right out of the box. This approach ensures a consistent SEO practice across the website while giving developers the flexibility to customize as needed.

Available SEO Fields

Upon installation, Overdog automatically creates the following SEO fields in the Craft Control Panel:

  • seoDescription: For setting meta descriptions for entries, which helps in improving click-through rates from search engines.
  • seoOgImage: To specify Open Graph images that will be used when your pages are shared on social media platforms.
  • seoTitle: Used to set the title of the page, which is crucial for search engine rankings and user experience.

The handles of these fields are designed to be intuitive, making them easy to understand and implement.

Integration and Fallbacks

You can attach these SEO fields to any section or entry within the Craft Control Panel. In the main layout Twig file, these fields populate the corresponding meta tags in the document head. If an entry doesn't have an associated value, the system falls back to the globalSeo group. This group contains default settings and is readily accessible via the global settings in the sidebar.

Custom Title Overrides

You have the capability to override the seoTitle field directly from Twig templates by setting the seoTitle variable. This is particularly useful for creating dynamic title patterns for sections like blogs. For instance, a blog post's title could be automatically generated with a pattern like "#{entry.title} - Latest Insights | #{}", thus relieving the content manager from the repetitive task of manual input for each post.

Why Not Use an SEO Plugin?

We believes in empowering developers with choices. Many SEO plugins can be heavy, introducing a significant number of database queries and often injecting excessive elements into the site's head section. Overdog's built-in SEO fields offer a lightweight, efficient alternative that grants both developers and content managers a straightforward and powerful way to manage their SEO without the overhead of a plugin.

This method is not only elegant but also effective. It allows for a streamlined workflow that maintains high performance and delivers on the key SEO needs without complication.